Riverwoods is a homestay in Chikmagalur in Karnataka. The property is about 5kms from the main town of Chikmagalur and is a  homestay   property offering luxury and privacy.  Riverwoods  features a  well laid out and furnished bungalow with a  country style  decoration  and is  designed for  a  luxurious stay  for guests  from all over the world.  Riverwoods  is an  environmentally conscious place where the  provision of  natural resources  and  ecological conservation  will be provided to its guest.

Riverwoods Homestay has an interesting history. It began as a small homestay help site for backpackers. It was later made into a full-fledged homestay help site for travellers wishing to rent out their homes in India. Finally, Riverwoods Homestay was bought by a group of passionate travelers who are passionate about homestays.

Riverwoods Homestay is a delightful homestay situated in the heart of Chikmagalur. The homestay overlooks the beautiful valley of Chikmagalur. The homestay is situated near the entrance of the park. Riverwoods Homestay offers 8 well-furnished rooms. The homestay has a fireplace at each room. The rooms are air-conditioned. Riverwoods Homestay is a short walk from the banks of the River Cauvery. Riverwoods Homestay is a very good choice for travelers looking for a pleasant stay in Chikmagalur.

I am a native Indian. By native I mean born and brought up in India. I am not a foreigner, I am a citizen of the country I was born in. I have spent my formative years in India. I am a graduate of IIT Madras, I did my MTech in Computer Science at IIT Madras. I am married to an Indian girl who is a Software Professional. We have a settled life in Bangalore.



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